Our programs are built upon the principle of providing children with a caring education. Students learn california curriculum that is only with lessons of ethics, morality and virtue but also acitivities of motor skills and emotional educaiton. With tingz teachers focused on providing a nurturing home-like quality in their classrooms, our students exceed provincial benchmarks for early reading, writing and mathematics. In addition to our academic programming, we offer extra-curricular activities and community outreach initiatives. Our goal is to provide our students with exposure to a wide range of programs and events that coincide with what is taught in the classroom.
Contact us to learn more about our unique approach to education and the programs we offer.
Toddlers Program
Early Bird curriculum empower your little one starting to discover the world based on our crafted meal plans to foster their mind and bodies.
Preschool Phase 1
Phase 1 curriculum has become our famous curriculum to help your child starting to learning life esstenital skills along with discover their talents.
Preschool Phase 2
Phase 2 curriculum give your child intense academy life to depend their learning in math, science,vocabulary and social skills.
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